Schizophrenics should be

start typing ‘schizophrenics should be’ in google and you get

“schizos should be euthanised” and etc

i tried ‘gays should be’ and it is blank

also ‘N------ should be’ and it is blank too

sorry if i offend anyone but i had to try that stuff

what do you think

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society is politically correct with regards to sexuality and skin colour

but we with a mental illness seems to be exempt from it

i guess we are easy targets and equality hasn’t been applied to us

at least society tries to be politically correct with sexuality and skin color. But with mental illness they feel they could just stomp on us. with no regard. they need someone to take their anger fully out on??

I think google just blocked search results for all religions and swear words/racist terms. just like they block search terms for porn. but they wont block it for something like “schizophrenia” because its too unusual and specific a term that they probably don’t care much about.


google knows what it’s doing imo, they could change it but noone gives a damn about us ‘crazies’

it’s ok in society to say ‘crazy’ or ‘nuts’ or a hundred other insulting words for the mentally ill

politically correct hasn’t reached us yet

even Donald trump they say he should be “institutionalized” maybe true, but why do they associate him with us because hes bad???

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no it’s different, google should stop this

you might get the same results with ‘tom cruise’ or ‘brad pitt’ it’s different

Maybe we should take that screenshot and complain to google. How do you file a complaint with Google?

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i infer that you think it’s ok ninjastar

I think that it’s horrible. I was serious that google should be notified.


I sent my complaint. You can complain also by going to the bottom of the search results and clicking on “feedback”


sure whatever, that will make a difference

If enough people complain, it will make a difference. How do you think the autocomplete got turned off for other protected classes?

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it got turned off because society wants to be politically correct. but noone gives a f*** about ‘crazies’

ok it’s something, let’s see if it works…

It got turned off because people complained about it. If we stand up for ourselves and make them listen, we will be heard.


i still think you’re taking the piss