Schizophrenia stigma

NAMI says we should be open about our stories to break the stigma.

I’m Public on Facebook, and I’m always talking about schizophrenia
and other disabilities. They also know that what I learn from NPR

every morning, that I’m no dumby.


I’ve said it before but a commercial for an antipsychotic targeted for schizophrenia would be great. Show somebody rocking, or pacing, maybe a person talking to themselves, then show a healthy person coping and the drug info. They could do it lightly and not even make it seem scary. It would be a great first step towards awareness. Everybody knows about bipolar now thanks to drug adverts.

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I think most people are sz. Mostly drug abuse. The natural causes of sz are rare. The stigma is broken with the help of Hollywood. Same with any diseased they are good people and bad people, villains and heroes. What is a blessing for one is a curse for the other.

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