Schizophrenia paranoia symptoms

Which guy?

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Here you go finished design

Don’t you need a few simply for hygiene reasons? It’s a toilet so this could be obsessive to a degree. You talked about this with your psydoc? …

Obsessional behavior about normal things can be an indicator of mental illness and need medications.

Hygiene is not a issue i only use that toilet my parents use the downstairs one. I know how to clean i have another one to rotate them. Dont think jus cause you are a mod you tell me what to do

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I’m not telling you to do anything. I’m just saying obsessional beliefs of ordinary things are often indicating a deeper level of problem you should bring up with your doctor.

He wass genarus to post back off rogueone

Wait. I’m concerned there’s some serious issues with op’s thinking that is a worry. Who are you?

So here’s the thing. I’m male. I used to pee in friends places but didn’t want to hear the sound of me peeing so I naturally used my aim to hit the bowl without hitting the water…

In some houses it became weird for my friends and they actually bailed me up to tell me it’s natural to hear sounds in their toilet…true story.

I’ve learned to pee where people hear me now because it probably isn’t as big a deal as you think…and obsessional beliefs of toilet habits is really in the realms of the mentally ill.

A simple technique is to open the tap in full and then pee. People won’t hear the pee sound.

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That’s what delusional people sound like… people with schizophrenia sound like that sometimes unfortunately…

I wasn’t ever delusional then if thats what delusional people sound like

If he was on this website, he would be posting something on the unusual belief segment. Believing something is one thing, but if people started acting out on it and speaking out loud about it, one can come off like that.

It is his therapy session after all

I dont know if you meant that as a joke but that is the final element i have incorporated i now have the final solution. I tried a couple of different towels just a more hard cheap type of towel is best. A softer more fluffy one doesnt keep its shape well enough.

So you set it up quickly with paper put in the bottom but i gather the paper in my room or somehwere not in the bathroom and then when you are ready you turn the tap on. The tap is loud. So you go quick and then you turn the tap off. Thats when you finish up with the toilet paper. I cant leave the tap going to long or it will attract attention. This is the final solution i now have it. The tap part is crucial and gives complete privacy.

I use the shower for stealth as well and use the toilet when the water is heating up. Then I leave the towel on the toilet lid as a reminder and flush it a while after i have had my shower

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