Does anyone else with schizophrenia experience this? Ever since my schizophrenia started to get worse I have lost motivation in EVERYTHING. I don’t have the motivation to get out of bed, take a shower, hang out with friends, etc. And I just don’t feel like I find pleasure in anything anymore. I don’t “enjoy” doing anything. My therapist says that’s a common symptom of schizophrenia. Does anyone else feel like this?
I know I suffer with Negative symptoms brought about by my Schizoaffective Disorder but my lack of motivation has gotten worse since going back on risperidone and increasing the dose.
Now that I’m becoming depressed it’s even worse than usual.
Today I had to force myself to go to my psychiatrist and market.
I have trouble finishing things. I can start things fine (don’t want to but make myself do it) but halfway through I want to stop. I have very low motivation. I also find that most of the things that used to be fun just aren’t. I’ve lost interest in a lot of things. I don’t know if this is the illness or the medication though.
It’s the meds I stopped taking them so I could go gym the only problem was my delusions and voices but it was so much easier
I can usually start things, but sometimes I have to force myself to start them. I can’t seem to finish them though. I just don’t have the motivation, or drive to finish them so they usually end up half done unless I’m really pushed by other people to finish it.
Who is the avatar here how long have you been here and what’s your age?
Definitely. Its one of my biggest problems with sz. I have tons of writing I want to publish and not a single inch of motivation to get started. Its too much effort. Sometimes I sleep late because I don’t look forward to getting up. I struggle to get out of the house and go shopping. My husband has to beg me to go with him to visit family. The bathrooms go without a clean for three weeks, my husband has to scold with me before I do it or before I change his towels. So, yep, its a big problem. I am doing well now, I am pretty stable, but my motivation’s still low as usual. Its a rare day when I get up and go.
Oh yes, and sex? Have no interest in it whatsoever. My husband is always the one to initiate it, never me.
@FrankTheTank888 yes, these are my main issues too. Lack of motivation and being unable to feel pleasure. Sometimes it can be a side effect of the medication, so I must ask you what medicine are you taking and what dosage?
But it can also be a consequence of the illness itself, in which case there’s not much we can do. Look up CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) - some people benefit from doing it, others do not. But it’s worth a try