Schizo-spectrum disorders and eating disorders

Almost all of the SZs I’ve met personally have an over-eating disorder caused by med side-effects. :frowning:

It sure is genetic but it is definitely also influenced by the environment.
My eating disorder started because felt the need to lose weight, but mainly because I needed to control several uncontrolled situations in my life. I couldn’t control the uncontrolled situations, and therefore I turned to controlling my food intake.

But you’re right! It’s not only genetic. Just because a parent had an eating disorder, doesn’t mean you have to develop and eating disorder too.

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I’ve heard that behavioral psychology is the most effective way to treat eating disorders. You’ve probably tried that, but if you’re in relapse it might work again. Get with an eating disorders specialist, and find a way to handle this problem. We would miss you if you died.


The last sentence made me smile. Thank you loads. :disappointed_relieved:
I’ve been to CBT several times for other disorders that I have. But never once for my eating disorder. I’ll definitely look that up. Thank you again.

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When I said “behavioral psychology” I was talking about the reward for correct behavior and penalty for bad behavior system that was originated by B.F. Skinner. It was big in the field of psychology a long time ago. I think I heard somewhere that was the most effective way to treat eating disorders. You might inquire about it.

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Oh, I read it as cognitive behavioral therapy! My bad, sorry.
I really will look it up. I hate living with an eating disorder. Thank you! :slight_smile:



I get the best of both worlds by not being thin and also having an eating disorder.

Oh joys of life!

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@SplitMind Are you currently on meds?

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Yes! I am on 20mg Abilify and 20mg Lexapro.

If you don’t mind me asking, have the meds increased your appetite or cravings?

I’m worried that if I go on meds, my appetite will be too big for me to listen to the “restrictive voice” in my head. It’s not gaining weight that I fear but the comments the voice will make on my body every time I walk past a mirror or see my reflection in a shop window…things like that.
Or if the voice in me is psychotic, maybe meds would shut it up?

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My medications have not changed anything in my appetite. Not for the better and not for the worse, whatever “better” and “worse” means.

If your eating disorder is connected to your psychosis, which we don’t know yet, then I think the voice that comments on your body will disappear with medication. Hopefully. Not all medications work for everybody, so you should try an anti psychotic medication that a pdoc would recommend for you to use.

Are you completely unmedicated? :confused:

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Thanks, it’s the fact that I struggle with binging as well that worries me :worried: . So hopefully no massive appetite increase for me!

I’m not on any antipsychotics at the moment but I’m on 20mg citalopram for depression (it has helped a lot with my low moods) :slight_smile: .

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I’ve recovered from major binging/purging. I stopped when I got pregnant, and then would stop for a few years at a time after I had my son… I started again more regularly about 8-9 years ago, and found out it was messing with my kidney function. I didn’t stop completely but slowed. I still binge/purge just every once in awhile now. Mostly when I’m stressed.

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When I was becoming psychotic, I for some odd reason thought my food was poisoned, if it was made by my mom (and she is usually the main source of food for me). This made me eat less, and the voices wouldn’t help my case either, they agreed that it was poisoned.
I never had a problem with food before until that happened.
I’d also like to mention that meds have helped me in this case, helped me eat again.

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I struggle with binging too, along with starvation. It feels like it’s a never-ending cycle… :confused:
But yeah, an appetite increase is not necessary just because you start an anti psychotic medication!

I’m glad your anti depressant works well for you! I guess mine does too! :slight_smile:

Yes! I believe stress is a trigger for eating disorders to return (or appear in the first place).
I hope you’re able to stop completely soon. Best of luck! :slight_smile:

I struggle with the thoughts that my food is poisoned too. Very often actually. I’m glad your meds helped you to get rid of these thoughts!

You are prescribed an ap, you’re just refusing to take it, right?

Yes because she (the pdoc) didn’t even explain why she was prescribing it, how it would help or what the side effects might be. Also, when I researched it, lots of people on review websites said they experienced rapid weight gain.
I am seeing a different pdoc next week and if they prescribe the same medication then fair enough, I’ll take it.