Scary event

So I was out shopping in my town’s town square. I finish and go back to my car and as soon as I get in this beat up red car pulls up behind me, blocking me in and preventing me from leaving. Thinking she wasn’t paying attention I honked but the lady driving the car did nothing didn’t even look at me. I kept motioning like I was pulling out and honking and she just did not move. So then I freaked out thinking this was some trafficking scheme and she was texting some guy to come get me and keeping me in place until he could so I got out of my car (probably not smart in hindsight) and left as fast as I could. As I left she smiled at me which was really weird and creepy. I called the police and got an escort back to my car and they made sure I got out safely so that was really nice. I am so shaken though that was so sketchy.

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