My chin scar happened when I was young, was in a fight and got my jaw slammed against a windowsill. Split it open to the bone, took close to 20 stitches. Had a facial scar since childhood. It’s why I never lose my goatee, covers it.
Few knife scars, hands were slashed up a bit, couple stab wounds. Repayment for llama spitting venom with his words to the wrong kind of people.
Few surgery scars from having an organ harvested. But I don’t know how much that counts.
Covered by a tattoo now, but I had a brand on my leg, from doing something stupid with molten glass. Woo for burn scars!
One on my elbow from 6 years old when my dad told me not to fool around with a mirror but I didn’t listen and somehow cut myself. One scar on my knee, fooling around again when I was about 11 jumping from one bed to another and landing with my knee on the metal bed frame. I got a small scar on my chin from when I was on a jet ski when I hit a wave and the jet ski went up, and I came down and smacked my chin.
A scar on my nose. My sister had a new puppy who would unpredictably try to bite faces. I was petting him and his sharp little teeth opened up a nostril. Surprisingly, it was a ton of blood. Unfortunately, eventually the puppy wouldn’t stop lunging at peoples faces and we had a kid in the household so my sister had the puppy put to sleep.
I have a prominent scar on my face from getting in a fight with one of my former coworkers.
I also have a less prominent one on my eyebrow from walking into a corner.
One scar on my leg from accidentally stabbing myself with a pocket knife when i was a kid.
One scar on my hand from a cooking oil spill.
I used to have two big scars going all the way around both wrists, apparently it happened when i was really young and nobody knows how. Those have faded away though.
The strange thing is the most painful wound i ever got didnt leave a scar at all. I cut my thumb all the way open from top to bottom while letting the chickens out and didnt even get a scar to show off. Worst of both worlds.
Got a chunk of ankle missing from a bite by a student. Very clear tooth scar on my right forearm from another student. Scar under my eye from where another one threw a book at me. And, of course, one from my brain surgery.