^(āŠ™_āŠ™)^ Say anything! xxxix šŸ‰

I went to Walgreens cause six pack of bottled diet Pepsi is 2 for 6.00 on sale. I get there and they only have regular Pepsi. So I had to settle on diet coke 2 for 6.00. Not my favorite but i need my caffeine.:persevere::persevere::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::persevere::persevere::persevere::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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How about an animal hijinx thread? I used to gather them, could post a bunch there.

I used to have a chihuahua, a total sweetheart. She was black, though, with tan markings. She kinda looked like a miniature doberman.

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Iā€™m changing my mind on chihuahuas, I used to not care for them but some of the pictures of happy chihuahuas are really adorable.

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