^(⊙_⊙)^ Say anything! xxxix 🐉

Yes. Shewill be 18 next April.

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Who else is having a bad day

Just got my haldol shot. It went alright.


Hi everyone. It’s so nice out today. I’m at the library now. Gonna mess around the rest of the day. :innocent:


Well, I’m home, got home just a little bit ago.

I taught at the new college this morning. The snow was so bad that they closed campus at 1:00, and I left just before 1. The roads were horrendous, even on the interstate I was slipping and sliding here and there. So I decided the smart move would be to use my one paid sick day at the old college, and take the shortest, safest route home.

It sucks driving a little car in the winter. Otherwise I like my car, it gets killer gas mileage for one, just hate driving it on snow and slush.


I’ve had a very productive and successful day so far and it’s only halfway over!

Still have to go grocery shopping, though. And Little LED woke up obsessed with kites, so I promised her we would go look for one. No idea who would have a kite in the middle of winter, but whatever. I’ll look. Lol


You could always make one. Decorating it will be a fun activity for little LED :slight_smile:

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That would take way more talent and energy than I have right now. Lol

Nice new avatar. :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

Thanks :smile: :blush:

I’m at the library again. Just felt like taking a walk. I’m gonna borrow some movies for later. Had a wonderful pipe smoke. Perique…ya gotta love it.


My pnurse is coming by tomorrow, finally. The storm has sort of blown over by now, but it’ll be nice to talk to her still.


I boiled 2 tsp of shredded ginger in some water, made an anti-inflammatory tea, head feels less hellish now. Still pretty bad.


What’s the cause of your headaches

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Brain injury, blown out my dura mater in my skull somewhere, now I have low CSF pressure (best guess)

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Happy valentines day! Even for those of you who are single.:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Tomorrow I see my nurse for my Abilify shot, after which I will see my psychiatrist. It’s been a month since I saw her; that time she added 2.5 mg Haldol twice a day, and it has helped.


Do you know if haldol is safe for underage people

I really don’t know. I would think it would be okay, but you’ll have to ask your psychiatrist.

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Ok thanks 151515