@(・●・)@ Say anything! xxxiv 🐵

I don’t want to fuel the fire here but $7 in gas burned up would piss me off too. Hopefully your manager is approachable and you can air your grievance. I had a manager once who was just a block head. How that lady got the job was beyond me.

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Yeah, the owner and I go way back; I first worked for him fourteen years ago. I will make it very clear to him tomorrow just how much this pissed me off. He needs to know.

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I have this whole fear thing about working at the Post Office. I know in the office I’d be dealing with customer complaints and stuff which wouldn’t be the worst thing. I’m probably just scared because I’m remembering dealing with mean ass customers all day at the call center for AT&T. Just something to think about. But maybe it wouldn’t be bad. I know lots of people in my small town and they know me.

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Yeah, anytime you work in customer service there are going to be some a-holes; most people are cool, though. You just have to learn how to let the a-holes’ comments roll off of you. That’s what I do, but then I have a ton of customer service experience; I’m used to it.

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You’re right. No job is always rosey. Physicians get a-holes. Social workers get a-holes. A-holes get a-holes. This is going to be a great thing for me to tackle at my next therapy appointment. I already know I’m over thinking this whole thing.

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Would you be able to work on a limited basis, so you could keep your disability benefits, or would you just jump into it fully? I know you can do a work trial for a few months, to see if you can handle it, before disability benefits would cease.

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I’m still mulling over what type of work I’d be suited for. I haven’t even worked on practice interviews with the therapist or with the support worker. I think finding something very part time would be a great first step. And really I should look into doing what many of the members here do and volunteer.

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Yes, volunteering can be a very rewarding experience. Many years ago I volunteered in a nursing home. That was when I was a bit manic, though, couldn’t handle that now.

A few years ago I wanted to volunteer at the Humane Society to be a “cat cuddler,” but they wouldn’t take me because I had no health insurance. ■■■■■■■■, I wanted to cuddle those cats.

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I fell asleep for like an hour or two, never got around to watching my show…

Yeah, it sucks having your sleep broken up like that. How are you doing tonight?

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I was just thinking. There is a kennel that operates 3 miles from my place. I wonder if they would find it odd if I were to offer to be a dog walker and help care for their guests. I felt encouraged after visiting a friend some time ago and she was babysitting a Pit Bull and that pup warmed up to me quickly. I’m a cat person but dogs are sweet too.

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It wouldn’t hurt to ask.

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Yeah, I’m gonna take a melatonin and try and keep the lights off. @Ninjastar, said you should do that…

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Yeah, that’s good advice. I’m only up because I slept during the day, since I was expecting to work 10-8 tonight. I’ll most likely be up all night and sleep during the day tomorrow, since I know I’m working tomorrow night, same hours.

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Best of luck to you tmrw Mr. Educator! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve moved to bed now. I think I’m just going to put the blue shade on the Kindle and read for a bit. I was thinking of asking my dad if I could spend the night sometime here. I wanna spend time with him but I also want Charlie and Tigger to give me snuggles. Well probably not Tigger he’s a very opinionated cat but Charlie is a good bed mate.

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I think I’m addicted to ativan…i’ve only been taking it less than a week but I already am terrified of stopping bcoz I feel like areal person right now, if not a bit loopy, and I am afraid to go back to all consuming terror anxiety and dysfunction.

Basically, I don’t want this to end.

I’m scared to exist in my natural state, though withdrawal is also a frightening prospect, and I might have to go cold turkey tmrw, bcoz I don’t wanna play this game no more.

Gonna jack up l-theanine.

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Check with your pdoc before abruptly stopping the Ativan. Ask about Buspar if you’ve never been on it. It’s a good anti anxiety drug and is generally non addictive.

You can switch the Kindle to a black background and white text for night. It saves the eyes and battery.


I am UP! I am letting my hair finish drying so I can try to put highlights in it. I am really nervous because I am doing them myself instead of going to a salon.