🐳 say anything XXVII

What if i will log out :grey_question:

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What up mighty Jedi ? Why do you wanna log out?

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I want to nap a little… @chemwex
Thx for asking

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Napping so late? Won’t it affect your nighttime sleep?

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I have nothing to do so a little nap sounds good to me now…

Awesome. Go ahead

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Today is my longest day of the week, since I have my Physics 2 lab. Probably gonna have no ■■■■■■■ clue of what’s going on, since we typically don’t cover all of the relevant material before we do the lab, so I won’t have any clue what to write for notes, which is gonna be a problem for when we do the quiz over this lab next week before next week’s lab starts. :frowning: This class is so different from any other lab-based class I’ve had before.

Good morning all. I’m up, having my coffee and cigarettes. So much better sleeping in my own bed and having good coffee.


I just ate a banana and a half. They were too soft and ripe for me but I didn’t want to waste them.

Am dreading it but gotta do laundry so am a have to ride the bus downtown go to the bank get a roll of quarters and get back home and do the the laundry simple but don’t feel like doing anything right now

got a new thing. don’t want to make mandolins anymore, I want to make one man rows…I think they are called skulls or skulling.

culturally, nobody rows on the ohio river, I don’t know why…it seems to be popular on the east coast. anyways I’d be like the only guy in Indiana selling them, might be a decent side hustle.

I took my haldol as usual. I closed my eyes for a moment and there was a face staring at me. ■■■■ hallucination.

Other than that good morning.

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Morning everyone. I don’t feel well today. It’s my own fault, though. I forgot to eat breakfast and had a ton of coffee and now I feel gross.

I’ve since had a piece of toast and feel a little better, but I think I just need to wait it out.


I find l-theanine to be good at taking the edge of excess coffee. I kinda see it like an antidote to caffeine (not sure if it is though)

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I don’t feel jittery or anything. Just too much stomach acid. I think if I threw up I’d probably feel better.

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I am on my way to therapy on the bus :bus:


“I got the beast on my sight” :smile:
From a old pc game haha

finally choose a program of study. I’ve been back and forth between studying turfgrass management, business, or viticulture and enology. anyways I finally decided to study horticulture instead of those three options. I choose horticulture because Im wanting to grow on our land commercially.

I found a community college in maine that offers a two year program in horticulture. I wont start classes until 2023, after my allowed 45 months of working part time. I will have enough saved up to afford rent while im going to school for two years. and yes im going to grow reefer while im there since its legal in maine.

once I move back here im planning on 2 acres of roses, 160 grape vines, some fruit trees, a berry patch, and home garden. also I want to build a greenhouse somewhere on the property. im hoping that weed will go legal in Indiana sometime in the next two decades and ill be able to do that as well. I just think it would be a laid back way to make a living is all


i wake up every morning eager to talk the ear off of everyone i can get my hands on

i go to sleep at night trying to convince myself not to succumb to the irrationality of my rage

i sleep, and wake up fresh having forgotten everything from the previous day

thank you memory loss for keeping me stable and able to live around other people!


Therapy went OK. Now Im on my way home :bus: can’t wait to lie down.