Say Anything Seis. šŸ°

Yeah for sure scheduling things that you find pleasure in your day, is really pivotal in mental well-being reallyšŸ˜Š Iā€™m trying to incorporate more in my life too.

I think MoonGarden has perfect pitch, I reckon


Hi everyone

I had my appointment with the shrink.
He did me a prescription for vaccination.
Hope everything gonna be alright tomorrow.
I will drive about 20 kms to the medical center.

I havenā€™t played music yesterday, need courage. :confused:

My Kitty cat is still on my legs, just chilling like all cats do.

I ate ramen and add some vegetables and aromatic herbs inside. Was pretty yummy.

See you. Hope youā€™re all good.


Oh i wish! Far from it


Iā€™d love to hear you sing!!


Emailed the auctioneer about the farm lease. Weā€™ve decided to keep more land than I originally thought. We are now leasing half the land and I will farm the rest with a smaller number of stock

I donā€™t know how I feel about it



Just woke up a little bit ago. Feeling just okay.

Fed Charles.

Enjoying a Coca-Cola now with meds.

My cigar shipment arrived today. Looks good.

Hope yā€™all are well.



i need to start smoking cigars every once in a while, when i was in college one of my friends had a humidor and was always giving me cigars. i actually prefer cigarettes though, they relax me more. but i should stop smoking, just a rare cigar every once in awhile. one of my favorite reds managers was an old guy named jack mckeon, he would smoke a cigar doing his post game comments after every win haha. he even won a world series with the florida marlins after he left cincinnati. he was great.

thinking i want to buy a tanning bed, was researching online and they cost about 3 grand. i would put it in my bonus room and tan naked haha.

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im kinda struggling today, i have too much free time again. i canā€™t lay out in the sun because itā€™s cloudy all day, and no baseball on tonight, reds have a day off. itā€™s only 3pm and i feel like iā€™ve been up forever.

mom is now on her way to colorado. her flight took off 20 minutes ago. iim in the doghouse for sneaking a beer yesterday, she says no beer for me for a month. she was pissed.

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Did 2 loads of laundry. Feeling run down. Have a doctorā€™s appointment soon. Then have to grab since groceries. I just want to go back to bed.

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We have a tanning bed in our basement bc my grandma paid for two of my spoiled cousins some years ago to start a tanning business which didnā€™t last long. Told dad I want to scrap the pos out. :joy:


Iā€™m going into my local city for some shopping on the 20th with my best friend, gonna have an alfresco lunch at an Italian called wildwoods. Hope the weather is nice, Iā€™m mostly shopping for my child, new summer bits, and some bits for my partner. Iā€™ll treat myself to


Took the garbage out, real windy and chilly out there, I got the heat up, but canā€™t seem to get warm


Good morning todos! I had to get my self up with a momentum today.

Just having smokes and had a cup of coffee.

Today is my last day of work till I have another day off! Iā€™m looking forward to it!

Getting chilly again today.

The kitty outside doesnā€™t seems so apparently heā€™s always out and about in the morningsšŸ˜¶

Gotta take a hot shower now to get ready. Hope yā€™allā€™s have great one!!!


I discovered a new coping skill today and im really excited about it. I was majorly freaking out in public before work. There werent many people around idk if anyone saw me. I was pacing and flapping my hands. I told my manager i needed a few mins to calm down. So i went to the break room alone and put my hoodie up (i have an emotional attachment to this hoodie) and covered my face. I calmed down enough to function at least.


Hey @anon99082702 has a bicycle repair class online now. @mjseu there are lots of English language classes also on there.


Sitting at home. Got a cup of coffee by my side.
Listening to The Offspring.


I cant believe its 21C outside, finally!


Hey Nickels! Sorry for such a long delay, I ended up passing out earlier this morning.

But I got my stimulus yesterday! Talk about a huge relief. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m still planning on ordering that camera, Iā€™m just waiting until itā€™s in stock on Amazon.


Does anyone else besides me just not really do anything, just drink coffee, listen to music, wander around the house, have no direction or purpose?



Iā€™m a do-nothing housewife.

I keep the house clean and stuff, but thatā€™s about it.

And thatā€™s not super difficult with only two people.

I take care of the dogs, but thatā€™s basically it.

Right now weā€™re moving so I have lots of extra responsibilities,

But most the time, I feel useless.