Say Anything - Part 31

It doesn’t work for my wife either but I recommend 3 mg. You can get 1 or 2 but I started with 3 and have been on it for years.

The only other med that works for me is Ambien but it’s my experience that doctors don’t like to prescribe it and it gives me bad dreams. I have never had a problem getting a script for Lunesta.

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To be fair, though, no sleep meds have ever worked for me. I have pretty severe insomnia my whole life. I just use Klonopin to get a few hours a night.

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Thank you guys! Insomnia is a whole new beast for me right now. Certainly dont wanna be dealing with this my whole life. If something helps even a bit, that will be great.


This thread title needs some emojis. It’s so hard to find!

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Freaking out after shower worry about people hearing me telling others

It’s 802pm I take meds at 9pm. Please hurry up.

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I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow. I hope things go well.


I’m sure your appointment will go well, Thai-food. :slight_smile:

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I cooked up some chicken breast, I thought I had some barbecue sauce but I was out of luck on that.

So I just doused the chicken with salsa.

It taste Okay, I suppose.


Good night everyone, I got my meds in

jumping in bed

my cousin passed away today

she died the same age as her mother from cancer

it’ll be hardest on her sister Corina, not sure I can face her.

Condolences, @Daze.

Well I watched the first half of the Saints game. We are winning. I am going to bed.

@Daze. Condolences. Sleep well.

Thanks. I hope it goes well. I have to get some forms filled out to prove I am disabled. I already went to the social security office and they told me my doctor might have to fill out a form and that’s mostly why I’m going. I also have some forms to reapply for my driver’s license. It’s been suspended for a few years now.

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Sorry to hear about your cousin @Daze.

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Haven’t been taking meds lately. I know when I’m about to have an episode. My body starts to give me a lot of empty promises. Really super embarrassing to say what I’m going to say. But 1 of my sensatations are in my head. Once I was at church and someone preached on healing. I felt a hole open in my head and something jumped out of me and I instantly felt better. This is the embarrassing part. Once technically twice I hallucinating a sensation that was kinda rather sexually. I guess you could say I was in a delusion. So I kelp asking myself am I more important than my parents then pastor then angels. The more I questioned myself the better the sensation felt. I think said spitting Jesus from God said am I more important than Jesus and the sensation felt really good then. It felt like fireworks. I started to tell myself that I was the next Mary.

So because of those two experiences I always expect that a hole will open up and something will leave again. When I start to have an episode the first trigger I realize is that I start to lay more. I anticipate that experience to happen again and I hope for it. Out of the past 8 years both only happened once. If it wasn’t for this I wouldn’t have known I was having an episode. Early signs. I’m beginning to expect these and they are empty promises that always end up in the hospital.

I thought I either made my pastor really happy or I was in super trouble. It was kinda a bit of both. He’s proud to see me fighting but he wants me to use more wisdom. Don’t take a medicine without looking at the side effects first. And that hospitals and medicine is our first obligation. But one thing he said that made me very sad is this. He said that if we had toys we can create any story we want. If we had cowboys versus Indians. We could have the Indians win today. And the cowboys win always. He told me that I’m like a piece in Gods plan like or ‘his’’story’ history. I guess I’ve always felt like God was a good God and things would get easy and easier. I thought because we were stuck God was obligated to help and protect us. Last year I thought my righteousness protected me by being nice and God would watch my back. Nope I was robbed. I always treated God moreso like a genie. Give me give me give me. I mean what exactly is prayer for other than to ask for stuff.

My pastor told me to be like Paul. He was blinded and asked God three times to heal him. And God said “my grace is sufficient through your weakness I’m made strong.” And how it’s for a good thing. Paul was blinded and that forced him to write big letters. I think about myself with all of my *many symptoms and not to mention the side effects. How will I be used?

This is to long. There’s always a lot on my mind. But we have prayer lines sometimes. And the person would say grab the area that affecting you. I’m so embarrassed to grab my head and publicly admit I have a mental problem.

For the past two days at work I’ve been wearing my street clothes and getting away with it. After losing some weight I’ve been a little proudful about that. “Whosoever is lifted up, I will bring abased.” I bought size lower and it fits. I guess it’s my own fault I wore it at work and spilled red ink all over my pants and shirt. Not only are they maybe ruined but I have to walk around with it. 1:30 before I get off and I’m super sleepy. Insomnia comes and goes.

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I had a great dinner. :yum:

My sister bought an expensive, very good ham. She also made cheesy potatoes, which is my favorite thing she makes, and she knows it. She made green bean casserole, which I didn’t touch. She made my favorite cake; she made both the cake and the frosting from scratch, so good.

The rest of my day was good, too.

Hung with my bud for a couple hours. We watched some stuff off his DVR. An episode of a tattoo competition show, Inkmaster. Then a couple South Park episodes. He and I watch every episode of both shows.


I’m sorry for your loss @Daze, please get some good rest.

My condolences.

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I’m fighting the urge to go buy a pack of cigarettes. I think the gas station closes at midnight, so I just have to fight it off for half an hour

I’m not really trying to quit, just don’t want to buy another pack until tomorrow.


It’s after midnight, and I feel wide awake. I was successful in not buying any cigarettes; now the gas station is closed.


I’m really close to smoking myself. I’m feeling kind of down on myself and it is making me crave a cigarette really badly. I have made it 5 or so days without one though. It would be a shame to lose the streak but I could also really go for that instant release. Even though I’ll feel like crap afterwards


It gets easier; I recently quit for three months, until stress got to me enough that I started back up again.

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