Say Anything LXXXI šŸŒ“

so was just thinking when i move to a neighboring city. i can still visit mom and dad on the weekends and do some gardening for them. mom has already asked me if i would start a garden for her. and dad gave me the green light to put in some grape vines and some more berry plants. it could be kinda therapeutic in small doses on the weekends, but not something i would want to do everyday. the only way i could do it everyday is i have support or a friend or family doing it with me.


@Lifer that was happening to me a while back, try drinking coffee slower and sipping water in between if youā€™re stomach feels unsettled. It may be all the acid from the pizza sauce making your stomach more sensitive

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Whatā€™s a doner???

@ANDroo exercise helps me and lower coffee intake. Be careful though, loss of sleep can cause positive symptoms to come up quickly


my brain has too many dopamine receptors from a long term use of anti psychotics,

itā€™s really all wired weird.

I can stay awake for a really long time, then crash and have a good sleep (like 8 hours) wake up for 2 hours and crash again for 8 hours.

thatā€™s life.


I can relate to this


Some good news. issued an automatic refund to me today via PayPal. Itā€™s great but also extremely sad that baseball may not happen much this year. Ahh well. I didnā€™t really want to call in and ask but they did it without me asking.

So I slept well. Slightly down but not horribly. Gonna do my usual stuff today.

Doggies and kitties are well.

Hope yā€™all are ace in case.



gonna try and fall asleep now.

keep it snazzy :100: drizzle yā€™all.

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yeah im bummed about no baseball too. it helps me get through this time of year when the weather is sporadic, i was planning on watching an archived game each morning from the previous night.

were you able to reset your sleep schedule?

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Hi Lifer. Haha. I overslept today anyways. Oh well. I feel better when I sleep. I feel a little useless when I do that but thatā€™s just part of sza.

Have you done any garden prep lately?



Hello. I decided to go on a coffee diet. :rofl::joy: Iā€™m only drinking coffee with cream until I lose this stupid 5 pounds that I gained the last couple weeks.

Healthy choice? Definitely not. But hopefully itā€™ll work quickly.


not much. i did a little a couple weeks ago. raking out a bunch of leaves from the garden that were there from last fall. looks like friday is a nice day 68 degrees and sunny, so i plan on seeding then. iā€™ve cut back my gardening time to just 1 hour a day, im gonna weed and water when it needs it, and if it doesnā€™t need much done to it, i will just sit in the sun for an hour and get some outside time in.

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This just reminded me of that show, whatā€™s the name, where people give themselves coffee enemas multiple times a day. I saw that and was like wow! Coffee has more uses than I thought. Hmm! Canā€™t say Iā€™d ever go that far with coffee. I feel guilty splurging on a super strong French Presd here and there.


Its a kebab. Lamb,beef,salads and sauce wrapped in flatbread.


Just make sure those arenā€™t hot enemas!


Yeah, hard pass on enemas. :rofl::joy: But I like coffee and itā€™s been surprisingly easy to not eat and just have a cup of coffee instead. So far Iā€™ve had about a pot and a half. Probably have about 2-3 more cups tonight. Itā€™s 3:30 now, and Iā€™m not hungry or thirsty at all, so Iā€™ll probably wait until Iā€™m cooking dinner and have another cup or two.


I know what show. My Strange Addiction. I donā€™t know if you get a huge nicotine rush that way or what.

Potato doughnuts. My random thought lol


itā€™s depressing. im back on my college diet, wtf? back to eating totinos pizzas each day. mom bought me 7 today, $1.38 each. thatā€™s what i lived off of in college. then i started spending exorbitantly on groceries, health food and what not, organic everything. not unusual for me to spend $100 dollars a week feeding just myself in my 20ā€™s. but eating like this, i eat for under $20 dollars a week and then mom and dad will feed me 2 or 3 times a week to supplement my diet.

long story short, i need a job so i can eat healthier, i think $60 dollars is a reasonable amount for me to spend on food each week.


Have you ever tried a liquid broth diet? Might be a little too salty to some but there are those that swear by it. Anywho. Hope your coffee diet helps you. Every time you post a selfie you look like you are getting better and better.

Best wishes to you.
