There’s a farm near me so nice and snakes are always around. I know I can’t allow mice to live inside but I really hate killing things. I even feel bad if I kill a plant.
Try to find a humane trap and set it free somewhere far away
Get one of these
You can get a live trap and release them away fro m the house. That’s what my stepdad does.
I know how you feel but sometimes it has to be done…
You have to get it out of there quick before it has babies.
Got to get rid of the mouse.
They are dirty creatures and carry diseases.
Do you know if these work?
Yes I’ve tried various ones over the last 20 years. They all worked great. That particular one is “Amazon’s choice” which is why I linked to it.
It just makes them leave? This is interesting. I’ll have to make sure it doesn’t bother dogs as well. We have 2.
That particular one says this
I would recommend setting a humane trap to catch any mice that are already in your house. Then release the mice in an open area away from any homes. Then you could try an electronic pest repeller to hopefully discourage mice from entering your house.
Bear in mind that mice can carry some pretty yucky diseases. For example, in the Western U.S., mice can carry hantavirus.
You can also sprinkle cayenne pepper around the inside border of your house, especially the In backs of cabinets and under the oven. The cayenne pepper stings a bit and they won’t step in it.
My folks stuff wire wool into gaps and between pipes and stuff. It hurts the mice’s noses so they don’t come in
I love all of these suggestions. I live in the south east US. I’m in a neighborhood and technically in city limit but there’s a farm practically across the street that was grand fathered in when the city incorporated. So we have opossums, mice, snakes, and sometimes deer are all over the place.
We actually had a baby opossum in the basement a few years ago. That thing was hard to catch.
My folks have chipmunks under the deck in the backyard. They use a company called Chemtek.
It’s 180 different than how you’re going about it.
Wild segue here: but if you ever want to talk about horses, and philosophy (I can explain why i recall that), I have a lot.
There exists a film out there with this ‘actor’ who can’t board a horse bc he isn’t pure enough, I guess. And from what I know he melts into crying.
It antagonizes me bc the girl I waste my time with historically is entrepreneurial with them.
And to possibly get the ball rolling I’ll just say it… do you think there’s a correlation to horses and ‘power’ in a general sense… it’s a word that crops up in spirituality too, so I’m not shy to utter it.
There is a lot of power in a horse but taming a horse is more like making them part of your herd than controlling them. I really think they always know they can hurt us whenever they want but they’re family animals. Once humans are family they seem to enjoy being around us.
I rode from when I was 4 until I was 15.
That’s super cool to me. I bought an equestrian outfit for my niece, I like to think I’m into nature too, but I don’t know sometimes.
Mice also dislike peppermint. Buy peppermint flavoring and i x with water to make a spray. Don’t use essential oil because it doesn’t mix well with water. If you b x cheap vodka with the flavoring in a spray bottle the vodka will make the oil mix and will evaporate leaving only the peppermint smell. The vodka will also help repel and kills germs.
We use glue traps and I have to end the things once they’re caught. Livevtrap doesn’t work, they come right back in. The neighborhood is full of ferals, but also is a dumping ground for pets that are declawed. We just saw someone dump an older orange tabby male, declawed, with a collar no tags. Poor thing is living on top of my van when it’s in the garage. Can’t bring it in, hubbybis allergic to cats badly.