Has anyone imported sarcosine into the European Union? Britain still counts, they haven’t left yet.
I’m trying to find out if it’s legal or not, but I’m struggling to make sense of the information I’ve found through Google. Since I’m most likely going back to school this fall, I thought it would be wise to start taking sarcosine. I will ask my psychiatrist about it, but I doubt she’s even heard of it, so I don’t think she can give me an answer.
I’m going to order from Brainvitaminz. On their page it says “We request that you contact your customs office and ask about import regulations and restrictions before placing your order.”, but on my customs office page it says I need to read the EU rules for the substance I’m going to import. I tried Googling the EU rules, but didn’t find anything specific. I guess I could call my customs office or just go ahead and import it.
I think I’ve heard from people on this forum that they’ve had no problem ordering sarcosine from the USA and getting it in Europe/EU. Can any one confirm this?
I emailed brainvitaminz contact to know if they commonly sent sarcosine to France what they confirm so i’ve just validated my order. Supersmart is good brand too maybe softer than brainvitaminz one?
You might want to check the shipping charges. @SpecialK said she paid $35 USD to ship from the U.S. to Canada recently. That seems outrageously expensive.