My kitty cat died today =(
She had to go in for a checkup and they found out her stomach and throat all were badly damaged and they called my mum to ask what they should do and they let her go to sleep.
First time in years that I cried =’(
I’m so sorry for your loss.
thanks! I still think all the time she gonna be on my bed napping but then i’m reminded she is gone.
I’m sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace.
yeah. hopefully you have some pics of your cat,
maybe you can make them into a book,
and look at them when you really miss her.
good idea @Daze , i asked my dad to help me make a book with all the pics we collected of kitty cat. So we gonna make a book like you said.
@anon83141956 : thanks for your thoughts. I’m gonna spread her ashes in the garden here, she loved to chase the birdies there so i think she’ll be happy to get set free in the garden.
I’m sorry @lekkerhondje I really feel for you. Losing an animal can be so hard.
So sorry on the passing of your friend
Thank you for your thoughts, @TheStrange , it’s really hard yea, i didn’t thiknk it would be this hard to loose her.
Thank you, @anon94176359 . I’m really gonna miss her. She followed me like 17 years ago to my house and since then she been living with me. We were inseperable.
I’m sorry for your loss @lekkerhondje.
Thank you, @anon1517417 , for your thoughts
Sorry for your loss.
thank you, @GEDchill
I’m sorry for your loss @lekkerhondje.
thanks a lot, @Wave
I’m so sorry. Do you know why they were damaged? I feel so badly for you. I am not ready for my little dog to die either. It would break my heart. You’re in my thoughts.
I am sorry about your cat.
@LilyoftheValley : thank you for your thoughts. She vommited a lot and it damaged her intestines apparently. I hope your dog can live long time still.
@GrayBear : thank you!
Sad for you. Condolences.