Scientists have found a compound that restores normal neuron growth
It works by blocking a protein that is linked to poor neuron connections
Stunted growth of neurons in the brain is a key indicator of schizophrenia
Researchers claim it may eventually lead to new treatments in humans
A potential new treatment for schizophrenia has been found to reverse one of the core symptoms of the mental disorder.
Researchers have identified a compound that prompts brain cells to grow new connections and ultimately restore memory deficits in people with the condition.
The stunted and abnormal growth of neurons in the brain’s memory centres is a key indicator of schizophrenia.
This is a very interesting development, @anon93437440! Thanks for sharing it.
Since pasting an entire article can get us into copyright trouble, I’ve edited the post to show only the first part. People can follow the link to see more.
Actually I double posted this article from two different websites with two different titles but the research is same and this post’s/thread’s title is more appealing than the previous one and more informative than the previous one so I didn’t hesitate to post it again. Even though technically it can be considered as double posting this post reasonably more informative and appealing than the previous one. We can be happy that our extremely bad memory parts of brain will function better if this works as they conduct tests…