Remission or Recovery

That’s the result of 40 years treatment and still having chronic,ongoing problems. After a time you get world weary, especially if you weren’t offered the best help when you were younger and you sense that time has passed you by.

I understand, and I’m sorry for my harsh words.

That’s fine @Malvok

Probably the best literature on the subject

I think recovery involves the will to engage yourself with the activities you would do as a normal person. Going out with friends and working is a recovering thing even if there are few voices. But sitting at home doing nothing just watching TV and telling yourself another day have passed without positive symptoms. No, this is remission. Although for many people normal ones I mean you have already recovered if you don’t suffer from positive syptoms but hey they don’t know the difference which we do. So I won’t leave the answer recovery to fate. It’s a daily schedule you have to maintain and actually do to be considered recovering. Just thinking. Good topic

About 5 months ago i was going into remission twice a week for an hour ( no sighn of mentall illness at all), after i started reducing my medication i havent been in remission, once i stay on one dose, i hope i will start going into remission again, even though it takes an hour, but i feel joy, i like the feeling of being healthy.

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