Reminder about posting under the influence

Due to the recent uptick in this sort of behavior, I’d just like to take a moment to remind everyone about the rules of this forum, specifically this part:

Please only come on here when you’re sober. Posting under the influence brings the whole community down, and hurts people other than yourself.


Hi ninja can you change my name to something other than schizo but that still implies schizophrenic maybe just sz? Some people find it offensive

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You are now @Amisz and I await my payment


Thank you ninja, I appreciate that. Phone still acting up. Put it on my tab. I will upload them I promise


I also take payment in the form of a story told through emoji.


Ok :sunglasses: :drooling_face::curry: :sleeping: 1515515

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Okay, that’s a cool idea.


I don’t like to sound like a cry baby, but I’ve been finding it to be a bit triggering.

It makes me reflect back on my bad days of drinking. It also reminds me of how good I felt drunk, even though I was so destructive towards myself. I guess the reflection can be a good thing, but I just dont like the conflict that arises from it.

Getting drunk meant cutting myself, and I’m trying not to live in that past anymore. I guess I cant avoid it forever, it’s my reality I will probably always struggle with.

I’ll just try to avoid those threads.


Also I’d like to clarify it’s not just talking about alcohol that triggers me, I can handle talking about it. It’s more the combative and/or euphoric posts that sends me right back to my drinking days.

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I’m sorry if I triggered you. Drinking is garbage and addicting. I’ll be left with that feeling of regret the next day.

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Be civil and supportive is the rule of thumb.

If chemicals are getting in the road of that then yes. It’s a big problem.

I think most of our problems come from a. Not being civil and supportive and b. not being supportive.

It’s a mental health site and it’s always important to realize that some people aren’t doing as well as you!

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I never am under the influence, but if I have a sniff of positives my posting goes south pretty quickly.

I am sorry to anyone who I have ever posted badly too when I am under the influence of psychosis

For me, it’s the cannabis posts. Amazing how much I still crave that high whenever people talk about the stuff, and this is after nearly three decades of being clean. Not addictive my arse.

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Good notification. :ok_hand: i’ll try to be much more positive, we should help each other with good vibes :ribbon:

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