Relaxing, let’s chat!

I’m listening to jazz, drinking coffee, and smoking cigarettes. What are you doing tonight/morning?
Let’s chat!

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Just winding down but glad your relaxing. Never really understood Jazz but I liked I guy called John Zorn. Friend used to play pieces which were like jazz and death metal. Very interesting to an old punk like me.

Coffee and cigarettes ruled my world for well over half my life. I’m a non nicotine and coffee person these days and doing ok. How’s you going?

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I’m just relaxing and handling the day one minute at a time.
I gotta get to the pharmacy today, but other than that I’ve got no plans.

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Hey @rogueone good gearing from ya! I’m doing okay having a lot of sleepless nights I guess.

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That’s all we can do is take it one day at a time!

Much peace…hang in there…Just about to shower and bed but wanted to check in and say hi!

Taken my zyprexa so I’m pretty sedated and need some ZZZZ’sssss …Big couple of days ahead with volunteering and friday is like supposed to be 37 degree’s C! Frigging need to mow an oval and it’ll be hell!

Keep cool. I need to jet!

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don’t get high to come after work and sit in a massage chair while drinking dry wine

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