Reducing my antispicotic

Reducing my INVEGA from 3mg to 1.5mg. For those of you have reduced your medications, what can I expect

As long as your doctor approves, I don’t see an issue with it.

If it doesn’t work out, you can always go back up.

Good luck!

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I reduced my Invega shot from 100mg to 75mg recently and it’s great, the only side effect I have now is dizziness when I get up, but I feel much better, much more stable. It’s all about finding the right dosage.

Good luck


You might pass a threshold where you start to feel psychotic symptoms breaking through, this indicates that you have to go back to the higher dose. If the positive symptoms dont get worse you might experience the benefits of being on a lower dose. Your cognition might improve and you might feel more emotions/less like a zombie.

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Do you know how long this could take?

Just take it very slowly. 10% reduction each month is a good amount. Cutting by half is way too much too soon. My son relapsed when trying to reduce Abilify. We reduced by half for a week then took every other day for the second week & all this on psychiatrists recommendation. He relapsed within 2 weeks. Dreadful time for us especially my son. I wish you well.

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