Recovery-oriented treatment programs saves millions a year in inpatient

Intervention at the first signs of symptoms, or early psychosis, has proven to be a powerful tool for preventing the disabling outcomes of schizophrenia. While early intervention can fall within a two-year window of symptoms, the earlier the intervention, the better the results. Ideally, within weeks of the initial symptoms of early psychosis.

First implemented in Europe and then the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada, a new treatment model, known as coordinated specialty care (CSC), uses a team-based approach to treatment and decision-making, surrounding patients with a network of medical, psychiatric, education, family, and employment specialists for a 360-degree support system.

CSC programs have recently grown in the U.S. following the dramatic results from a 2016 large-scale, multi-site study by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode (RAISE)-Early Treatment Program (ETP) demonstrated that patients who were receiving CSC were staying in school, had better interpersonal relations, an improved ability to hold a job, better quality of life, high rates of recovery and overall much greater cost-effectiveness than typical treatment.

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