Recovery from Schizophrenia: subjective and objective elements

Summary: Personal confidence and hope, Goal and success orientation, and No domination (not feeling dominated by symptoms) all seemed to be predictive of “recovery”.

Study Overview:

Recovery from schizophrenia involves both subjective elements such as self-appraised wellness and objective elements such as symptom remission. Less is known about how they interact.

To explore this issue, this study examined the relationship over the course of 1 year of four assessments of symptoms with four assessments of self-reports of subjective aspects of recovery.


The PANSS emotional discomfort was linked with self-reported recovery at all four measurement points. RAS subscales linked to PANSS total symptoms at every time point were Personal confidence and hope, Goal and success orientation, and No domination by symptoms.

Results are consistent with conceptualizations of recovery as a complex process and suggest that while there may be identifiably different domains, changes in subjective and objective domains may influence one another.
