Been diagnosed as schizophrenic for the last 9 months and still can’t seem to get back into the swing of things. Need to apply for work but I feel so inadequate, spacey (can’t concentrate), anxious, slow (stupid) and I can’t keep up with conversations or know how to respond. Which just leads to low selfconfidence. Haven’t spoken to anyone else who is schizophrenic so it would be nice to know if everyone or anyone else went through this and how you overcame it?
I had that poverty of speech shortly after my psychotic break. It took time for things to go back to normal. Now I can hold normal conversations with people. It is also the meds it takes a while to get used to them.
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That’s a relief to hear
for the past seven months i stocked shelves at a grocery overnight while the store was closed so talking was not really required. but then i started sleeping all day and all night and ended up leaving the job. my doctor told me not to work the night shift but i am still pretty much glad i did. best of luck to you
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That’s the kind of job I need, where you don’t have to worry about customer service. But night shift is iffy for me as well. Thank you, good luck to you as well