Random @ Project

@Hedgehog @anon80629714 @Loke @BlueOwl248 @vampireeye
Hey peoples this is the second anniversary of the random @ project. Just saying hi and I hope that you have a good day or night, a good week, a good month, a good year, and a good life in general.

               Your friend (At least I hope) Fate

Hi :slight_smile: I have no idea what this project is? But wish you the same.

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@anon80629714 Well the random @ project is what I’ve just now named it. The first one that I did was this Tuesday and I want to do one every Tuesday and Friday. Anyways I just put five random usernames and say hi, talk to them if they wanna chat, or leave them be if they don’t wanna chat.

This is super sweet! Thanks, @ChildOfFate!
Hope today’s a great day for you! :heart:

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No problem @Hedgehog. I just want to cheer some people up because I know it’s easy to get really caught up in things and sometimes just small things can help a lot more than most people realize.


This is sweet of you @ChildOfFate. Well yesterday was bad. Went to see a prescreening of Star Wars. Went on a second date and got spinich stuck to my teeth. He didn’t tell me. I am so embarrassed. What u upto?

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@anon80629714 Awe man I’m sorry about the spinach, and I hope today and your next date whenever it is goes a whole lot better. Right now I’m in school but I have a study hall and I have nothing to do so I’m just kind of hanging out on here. Sorry I forgot to ask earlier how you are so how are you today?

So what classes do you take ? Uni or college? I’m doing well otherwise have two weeks off work !!

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I’m actually a freshmen in high school, and I’m glad that you are doing well.

Holla holla holla we dem boys!

Glad to be in this Project hit me up for some talks

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@vampireeye well I’m glad you appreciate this project. And I’ll talk to you but I’d rather not hit you. Anyways how are you today?

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Im ok thanks you? Sorry for late reply (:

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Don’t worry about the late reply, and at the moment I am good. I hope that your ‘ok’ turns too good or great and not bad or horrible.

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