Rainy days...💧

I used to like rainy days but I abhor them now. Living in sunny Florida for so long has changed me.

Do any of you live in especially rainy places, such as London or Seattle? If so, how do you prevent yourself from feeling depressive on rainy days?

I was going to go out and work on the yard today but it looks like that not going to happen now. :frowning:

I love rainy days as long as it’s not too chilly

I would take rainy and overcast over sunny any day. The sun just makes me want to hide away. I live in the PNW and love the rainy days. It’s the summer that gets to me.

I live in Western Canada. We’re about to have freakin’ cold snowy days. Rain I can handle.


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Ugh, I’ve forgotten about snow! I haven’t seen it in ten years!

I live in Seattle… and I love rainy days…

But when the lack of vitamin D get to low… I now use the daylight lamps. That helps.

One that that makes me happy… there are so many people who don’t like rainy days… that they all run away and stay inside when it’s just a bit damp out…

So that leaves less traffic… less wait at the coffee stand… more parking. Love it when people stay inside due to the drizzle… or even mist.

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Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

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