Questioning DX

I know I made a post like this before but this one’s a bit different. I feel like they diagnosed with me a nonspecific psychotic disorder because they just didn’t know what else to do with me.

I’ve never been hospitalized despite apparently having 2 mental disorders. My level of functioning is below average admittedly but I do still function and not even horribly. And this is all without meds!!

Do I have the mental disorders and they just aren’t as severe as other people’s? Do I not really have them and the professionals just interpret my eccentricities as illness? Or are my mental disorders of regular severity but I’m just excellent at coping with them?

They feel severe to me. They make my life miserable most of the time. But how would I know compared to others? Do you guys see my issue?

Your an inspiration for dealing with this illness. Don’t let it get you down :smile:

Thank you…I just wish I knew if it was due to a lessened severity of my symptoms or due to my coping mechanisms…because if my coping skills work that well I’d like to use them to help others…but everyone is different too so maybe what works for me wouldn’t work for others anyways.

Honestly from what you told me it sounds like you could have a legit as diagnosis. I’m guessing because you’ve had it for so long you carry yourself like a normal person which would make them less inclined to see it as a serious issue. Treat the symptoms not the label.

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I guess…I was a weird as heck little kid, before I learned how to fit in…but young kids are more tolerant of weirdness so I still had friends. My mom says she was often concerned about me as a kid but I guess I just learned how to act normally really well. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, considering not acting well is how you get help.

I can understand being frustrated by not having a tangible something that will help you make sense of it all… I’m sort of swinging in the same boat…

But please… be kind to yourself.

Your in college… taking some very hard classes… living on your own at a young age… getting through your day to day and keeping on top of your studies… that is FAR more then average level functioning.

I feel average… but I have a lot of help getting through my day to day… I still have help paying bills… managing money… doing laundry…

I have been hospitalized… and I have meds… but I still need all the help I can get.

I think you are doing amazing. I am very inspired by you. I know you’ve had some hard times… and some large break through symptoms, but you’re still here and still able to go to school.

the saying is right… treat the symptoms… don’t worry about the label. Do the best you can… the label isn’t set in stone.

Good luck… take one day at a time and be kind to yourself.


if your level of functioning is below average…then…
that makes me a ’ single cell amoeba '…not happy :imp:
take care :alien:

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I just feel below average compared to all my peers.

Thanks though sith. It’s good to get perspective.

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It may be that you are lucky enough to have the cognitive reserves to deal quite effectively with fairly severe symptoms.

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