Question for iPhone owners

Any recommendations on where to acquire used units inexpensively? I’m looking at last year’s model. I’m going to be teaching some photography courses in the community and need to be conversant with using an iPhone to capture images. Don’t want to break the bank as this is a volunteer gig.


Ask around your family. I’ve an old iphone that I use as an ipod. It’s only as SE and I’d send it too you but it’s locked to a local carrier and dealing with that is a rather hard issue. You might know someone who has upgraded and has a still decent iphone hanging around…

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I’ve got an iPhone 7 as my work phone, but I was looking for something more recent. Only need it to work as a camera and on WiFi. Being locked not an issue.

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Not an iPhone, but I got an iPad off eBay last week.

For the price I paid for one that’s 9 months old, I paid the equivalent of a basic model but got a 128gb wifi+cellular model, and I am very pleased with it. The device still has warranty left as well.

I have the iPhone 11 Pro, and I have no intention of upgrading at all. The wide angle lens I actually use quite a bit now, as at work I am trying to market my business by sharing photos online, and this feature on the 11 Pro is brilliant when you’re trying to fit more into the picture!

The clarity of the images is brilliant. I do avoid using too much zoom though, as even on this phone the pictures can go very grainy, but it is only a phone.

I am no photographer by any means, but I appreciate the technology they have put into the phones these days, and all the assistive software that goes with it.

If you’re looking for the one with the best camera go for the 11 pro. I just had a quick look on Apple’s website, and apart from inventing (Or re-inventing) some fancy names for things, it’s pretty much an identical phone to the one coming out this month

Hope that helps.

Thought I’d share my experiences with it, as I have used this model since January.

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I’m needing a unit with the wide angle, high dynamic range, the night photography option, and the portrait mode with fake bokeh. My own Android has a 14mm equivalent that I use a LOT.

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Ah also, Amazon sell them in England at least refurbished, with a 12 month extended warranty, and they guarantee the battery health is above 80%

My 11 Pro I have used for months, and it’s still on 100%

You need to ask any second hand seller what the battery health is, as this is the maximum capacity, and the value of the phone should you sell it again will depend on this as well

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Very helpful, much appreciated.

This is an image I took with the wide angle yesterday

Hopefully you can zoom in enough to see the clarity etc

Unfortunately inexpensive iPhones like this are rare.

The outlay is more but the value of the device will remain for some time.

I had a MacBook Air I paid £1,000 for, and even after 8 years of use, I still sold it for £250 on eBay

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