My roommate takes care of plants all the time it is her Hobby she loves collecting them and taking care of them but she doesn’t ever name them I find that most plants that I have I usually name maybe it’s just me anyway
Yeah I named my last one I think.
I didn’t name my orchid plant I love. I should though. Great idea! I just associate names with people and pets
Willow, Brittany, and Allie. Oh and sam
Willow because I got it at Walmart and it looks like a weeping willow. Brittany because Brittany was with me when I got it plus she got one similar. And allie because allie gave me one of her aloes babies.
Sam is a long story.
My girlfriend got a bonzai tree a while back we named it groot lol
I named my big fig, Sherman.
I’ve had him for 22 years, still going strong.
great topic, Zen.
Yes, i have two cactus. There is a really tall one which i call Spike. And then the other one is more squat, so i call him Spud.
When I lived with my sister we named all the plants. It was cute. Now that I’m on my own I haven’t named them, I am pretty sure I will kill all of them eventually so I don’t want to get too attached. But on the other hand I’ve had them here for 7 months and they are all happy and growing and I’ve had to buy bigger pots for them and some of them are needing to get moved over to the bigger pots right away. My snake plant has grown over a foot, he’s super happy to be here. So maybe it’s time they get names.
I had two cactuses (cacti?) Named kaki and cymi
And my mom had a plant called “The Tobias Plant” cause it was gifted to her when she had Tobias
No I don’t name my plants, but maybe I should and more…
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