Puppy name! (poll)

So we’re getting a puppy! The dog will be a male Golden Retriever, and we’re getting him the Sunday after Christmas. What should we name him? These are the names I like, but I’m open to other names as well. My last dog’s name was Brisco.

  • Samson
  • Cooper
  • Griffin
  • Carson
  • Other

0 voters


Samson. You can call him sam or sammy then.


Cooper you can call him coop! Like the old show Hanging with mr. cooper!


Samson is my favorite. My dad likes it too and my mom is coming around to it.


Cooper is my second favorite lol. I like the idea of calling him “Coop”.

I would go with Sampson. Like the spelling more but that’s just me. Still a cool name.

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Maybe you can talk your parents into getting a second female puppy and call her Delilah? :thinking:


Delilah is a good name. I like the name Willow or Ellie for a female, too.

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Coop Poop. 1515

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I had a boxer/shepherd cross named Samson. He was a good dog.

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I like Cooper. 15

Spot. Or Stripes. Or Solid.


We used to have a terrier we called ‘Salad’ when we lived in New Jersey. We called him Sal for short. Until every time we called him in the park, 5 Goodfellas would run up to us wearing shades and ask, “WTK is so funny about me?”

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My sister has a Shihtzu named Cooper. It’s a fun name. And you are getting yourself a fantastic best friend. Those GR breeds rock.

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