PTSD from psychotic episodes...?

Has anyone here got PTSD from psychotic episodes ?

My first psychotic episode , I was shell shocked for 5 years, frightened to death, i was never the same after that belt

It can be very traumatic to be hospitalized. It’s a scar you have to carry the rest of you life, even if it is not considered PTSD

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Some say psychosis can cause PTSD from hallucinations, paranoia and delusions.

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In my delusion I destroyed the world the voices convinced me I did pure psychotic, it broke my heart and mind

It shocked me so much i was never the same

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The author and professor, Elyn Saks, suffered from the same delusion. Sounds like a horrible delusion.

You can read about it in her book, it’s an optimistic book, by the way.:

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basically my delusion shattered my life

Sad to hear, i hope you can build a kind of life, a shelter of the remains?

I never had such strong delusions.

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i have rose above it I offer it up to the gods as a type of peneace for my sins

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my situation is closer to PTSD caused psychosis. it does work both ways

I was literally telling myself I was having pre PTSD all the while going through psychotic episodes. I think that helped me in the long run. Allowing some form of “reality” amongst the madness I was experiencing

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