Psychiatrist appointment tomorrow

I really don’t like going cause i don’t take the prescribed medication. Do i really have to explain myself? What should i say ? I hope they won’t force the drugs into me like last time. I don’t like this kind of violation. Well, he suggested to take me off the drugs, but i couldn’t wait that long, so i did it myself already. Will i receive another shock of my lifetime again?

Why did you stop your meds?

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I am ready for another attempt. I am more experienced these days. The meds are not helping me anyway. I can’t think clearly with the meds and have to take lots of punches.

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Good luck @anon53623539 !

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@anon53623539 , ready for another attempt at what?

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To live without medication @SkinnyMe .


The Psychiatrist appointment went well, next step is my eating disorder, i see a dietitian in the near future and maybe go back to overeaters anonymous. The Psychiatrist want me to get another fasting bloodtest. I complied.


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