increased oxidative stress caused by haloperidol was inhibited ex vivo by different polyphenols. Curcumin, extract from green tea and from Ginkgo biloba, may have benefits on serious side effects associated with administration of neuroleptics to patients suffering from schizophrenia. Polyphenols in the diet have the potential to become medicaments in the field of mental health after a thorough study of their mechanism of action.
Very similar to the theory propounded by those who suggest NSAIDs like Motrin or Aleve for excitotoxicity-induced micro-inflammation. Might actually work in some pts. Might not in others.
Polyphenol refers to a broad category of structurally-related, powerful, life- enhancing ingredients. Although related in structure, benefits vary. Polyphenols are found in the healthiest of food; dark berries, green tea, olive oil, red grapes, oranges, apples, beets, garlic and onions, seeds, beans, whole grains, among other wholesome foods. The recently published In Chianti study from Tuscany Italy shows that a high intake of dietary polyphenols decreases mortality in aging people strongly with a thirty-percent risk reduction; consuming polyphenols can now be looked at as a life extending activity.