Psoriasis and schizophrenia

There has been some research that points to a link between psoriasis and schizophrenia . I wonder how many here have it.

My risk of having psoriasis is 14.04 x the average according to , but as far as I am aware I don’t have psoriasis. My skin is rather dry though.

I have scalp psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Lithium is a huge culprit when it comes to triggering psoriasis.

I don’t have psoriasis but I did work for a Doctor that had a terrible case of it. Being a Doctor he had tried every possible treatment available to try and clear it up, but found that the only thing that worked was swimming in sea water.

since you posted this

I’m getting pop up ads on psoriasis

not good on the schizophrenic.

I have mild eczema since birth and very mild psoriasis since schizophrenia started. Could be stress and lack of hygiene.

I have very very little of psoriasis that I got from my father (genes), I think psoriasis gets worse when you have lots of stress. I have almost zero psoriasis atm. but I sometimes have to scratch the tiny bits of skin off of my brows or head.

Off topic, but has anyone had severe ear infections as a baby and had to take antibiotics and have to have tubes put in their ears? Is this related to sz or just autism? What about my mom eating shrimp a lot while she was pregnant? Was it mercury or toxic? Thanks.

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