Praying when you are not religious

I cant pray it doesnt feel genuine. It always starts “God, if there is a God?”. Maybe Im just lacking faith but I doubt any of the religions have it right. I really think it is delusional in nature but some people need it. I hope they all end up in their respective heavens. If hell exists its here on earth.

Some have said that heaven is here on earth, if you have eyes to see it.

Or a lot of ignorance. Earth could be made into a heaven. Zionism. I think we should try, but ironically religion is one of the thing standing in the way.

I know this might poke the bee hive, and I’m not trying to do that, but I was reading this odd book and it was saying that we make our own heaven and or hell.

If we are horrid people and surround ourselves with horrid people and make our own life hard and miserable, then we have created our own hell.

If we are calm and content and surround ourselves with positive and content people then we have created our own heaven.

That carries over when we leave this life. I do believe in reincarnation. The theory got under my skin when I was young and stuck firm. So if you leave this life content, you will find your heaven. If you leave this life with misery and hate you will find your hell.

:coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :smoking:

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Yeah I follow that philosophy. If everyone were trying to create heaven we probably would. It wont be until we have the technology to produce abundance that well ever have a chance but we are getting there.

Same. I am convinced I survived teenage years and early 20s due to God answering prayer, even prayer I did while drunk… so many times people driving cars drunk, near accidents…and I had a few friends die at a young age from drunk driving or drug overdose.

i mainly put energy into the master system when or if i pray :smile:

I like to strip organized religious rituals out of my faith so I can re-locate the faith in my soul.


p.s. for me, this works.