Im practising perspective as its one of my weakest points.
If you draw a cylinder (tree stem), how do you know how flat the oval has to be on the top and bottom? If the cyllinder is drawn right on the vanishing point, the oval will be flat as a line, if it’s closer to you, it will be more round. Is there a way to find out how round?
The cylinder on the ground will become flatter in perspective the closer the vanishing point, I think? But how to know how flat it will be on any given location between you and the vanishing point
diminution??? I think that’s part of what your talking about… Just saw something about that online. Can you find the correct scaling and just scale the roundness with whatever size the tree needs to be for perspective… maybe offset for your angle ?? Seems like it wouldn’t have to be perfect… Peoples brains are gonna do some of the work I think
Thanks, I’m gonna google that. I was curious if artists just feel it or if they calculate it in some way. I’m guessing maybe they start out observing it and it becomes intuitive after practice.