Post your last thought

post your last thought

your last thought


ah cool… post your last thought

post your last thought

your last thought


I haven’t been to an AA meeting for a long while.

my last thought is not the last

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okay my last thought is that I’m hungry and going out to dinner so can’t eat anything now

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did your stomuc tell you your hungry or your mind?

Both, they work together either for me or against me. The bastards


“Whoah! A black squirrel!”

i’m on a budwieser diet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

my last thought will be never, ok? i will never have a last thought IMO

"Fridge. Fridge. Fridge @.@"

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“my grandpa sent me apples”

is the mind like the universe? as in never ending?

as in live forever ok i want to live on forever some where

Sometimes I want to relive my childhood - to go back to the days when the Playstation 1 was the freshest console on the market and we were playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time.

I’m currently listening to the “Highwind” theme from FF7. I used to be awed, now I sort of feel defeated. I used to love gaming, but it has all gone asunder. I forfeited video games for a higher purpose, and slowly but surely I am departing from that tender feeling I once had for video games. It’s depressing, but I will find a way out…

Boogers are completely disgusting and I wish they never existed. I wouldn’t mind getting sick more often.

Something about the compounding nature of people’s judgement.

I’m stuck between two things…

When zoo’s decide not to keep elephants any more… where do they put the elephants…

The other thing I’m pondering…

Why would I need potatoes in a butternut squash soup? I get the carrots… I get the cream… I even get the onions… but why potatoes? Is that for texture? because it’s not for flavor…

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haha I must be popular.