Poll: what is your sexuality?

stuff like that man, turns you. I went to buy my dog some food (like 25 single serve packages for the wet food, they are $3 each and really natural.) The manager at the register stated flirting with me and she only charged me for 2. I dunno, why is everything so complicated? :wink:

Yeah…people are sexualizing everything around… Can’t complain though im doing it myself…
But that was not what I wanted to say.
Guess these new member shitty limitations force me to speak in metaphors.
Anyway… I have a lesbian friend. She was there for me couple of times but mostly I try to stay away from her.

Can you pm me @anon69899792 ?

Sarad found someone new to flirt with. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Seems like you’re keeping track samples :wink:
But not perfectly. …

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I’m married, so, I don’t flirt, at the very least, I can watch someone else do it.

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I’m straight as an Arrow - I know boring :smile:

I’m as straight as a gay man’s ■■■■■!!

(uh…hang on…ahem…let me rephrase that)