Poll: Do you feel physically older than you are (not mentally)

  • Feel physically older
  • Just physically feel my age
  • Feel physically younger

0 voters

I don’t know how you’re supposed to feel at certain ages, but I’m 58, and I’m starting to notice my body slowing down.

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Fat and old.
That’s how I feel.
… yep, fat and old.

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not sure how I feel, cant respond. I do feel somewhat mentally older or spiritually but physically? I sorta lost concept in that.

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I voted "feel older’ . I have muscle stiffness on abilify but I’m not sure that explains it 100%. I just really feel 20 years older than I am physically.

Us medicated folks don’t tend to feel “younger”

On the contrary I’m pretty lucky in this regard that I feel exactly as I am

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I’ve done so much damage to my elbows they’re like an 80-year-old’s. Rest of my body feels like a mid-40 year old’s, I’m 34. Would be happy to make it to 70.


I feel ancient. Can barely move. Can barely breathe from 30 years of smoking. I nap all the time. I go to. Bed early. I’m 90 lol.


@FatMama you are awesome!!!

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Lol pass me my reading glasses

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I feel you are a glass of refreshing air

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Aww thank you!! :blush:

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Didnt see the one foot in grave, othr on banana peel option button?

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Vice versa, I am feeling younger …

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Yes, but I blame it more on my physical disabilities and chronic pain issues than the sz.

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I feel older than I am (physically)


I feel physically as my age. But mentally, i feel older…

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I feel and look younger than my age…

My mum says that will be a good thing in years to come though :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m mentally ten years on but phsyically feel like my late 30’s. It helps I stil play competitive cricket at 47. That keeps me somewhat fit and looks wise I probably pass as early 40’s. .It’s not a bad cop! I think the meds helps somewhat…keeps us young because it slows you down!

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I feel like 30 years older than my actual age. I cant even do what my mom can do. She is 30 years older than me.

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