POLL: do you believe that there is a greater purpose to why you have struggled with schizophrenia?

  • yes there is a greater purpose
  • no there isn’t a greater purpose

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I believe everything happens for a purpose, I also believe our actions help invent that purpose. Without challenging things there would be no motivation to change. I created a more positive attitude in response to it. In that sense I don’t regret anything that has happened.

Every individual is on their own path toward personal liberation whether they know it or not.

I wouldn’t say there is a greater purpose in the sense of something grand and delusional on a larger scale.

Each one of us is on a journey, possibly through many lives to learn a greater good.

It all starts with you taking the first step.

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You have to invent that purpose. It’s so arbitrary.

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sometimes i think my sz caused me to exorcise my demons and now im good to go.

‘Everything happens for a purpose’ - what a joke! Tell that to the starving people in Africa who have to fend off vicious warlords trying to recruit their kids as child soldiers. Most of the people in the world are living on the razor’s edge of survival.

As a purpose greater than myself, maybe. I think if you ask someone like John Nash or Elyn Saks, their lives carry much more significance in terms of reducing stigma and excelling in career. I doubt I will become known for being moderately successful but I know I’ve done more with less. My hand is playable but certainly not the strongest.

My experience with sz hasn’t been totally negative, and I have done some positive things since I have been ill. You never know what would have happened, and I’m not going to speculate about it.

Yes I do. It’s made me more human - in suffering I’ve become more understanding of others suffering with mental illness. I want to hopefully share my story with the world

I worry that the Schizophrenia is a punishment from God for sinning against him. So that is the purpose in my eyes.

I’m not totally sure it is true, but I feel like it is in my gut.

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It’s not true. If you got your SZ from drugs, you sinned against yourself. If you developed it spontaneously, it’s just some kind of physiological factor you weren’t aware of.

i just sometimes feel we’re left to suffer and die.

There’s two words for it. Bad luck!!! If the voices made you a better person then consider the fact that not everyone in the World who had evil thoughts were so afflicted, and some people who did evil deeds were. It takes years to truly stabilize this crap and meanwhile your opportunities for love, friendship, and achievement go by the boards.

I’m quite sure the suffering is purposefully inflicted, but I’m not sure how great of a purpose it is.

What about childhood onset schizophrenia then?

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I think it is a physiological statement being made, that people are not functional in abusive situations. I also think there is a lot of denial about that.

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