Let me tell you one of my huge fears is that they won’t put me on Invega anymore because I rejected the shot and it was the dumbest choice I ever made, I want to get back on it hopefully they don’t deny it. Please think and send vibes out to me.
I hope you get on the medication that helps you.
Sending good vibes your way @anon97970229
I am on it right now and it’s a pretty good med compared to some of the other ones. The only thing is the lumps in my arm I am getting at the injection site. Other than that it’s done me well. The weight gain I am working on. It’s hard to lose fat on any antipsychotic. I think they will put you back on it.
Best wishes for your treatment. İnvega is good drug.
I found lost more weight on Invega compared to Zyprexa. But I hope you don’t get any more bumps and a great recovery.
My good vibes are shooting to you at warp speed.
It seems to me they would give it to you. It’s not like they are supposed to punish you for your decision. They shouldn’t hold a grudge about it and they should act professionally towards you and give you this drug.
The lumps are small if you massage the injection side hard right after getting it. Rub it hard everyday.
Thank you. I didn’t want to be on it when they first suggested it. I tried to get off it but they won’t switch, which I think is good because I have gotten use to it now. If I was on pills I wouldn’t take them. I always went off pills and ended up hospitalized. So this med is good at keeping me stable. Been 2years 8 months I haven’t been hospitalized where as it use to be once a year when I kept on going off the pills. Sending you positive vibes. Update us on if they do put you back on.
Thank you @November I will keep all of you updated. Thank you all for your response and good wishes!
Wassup guys! Just a quick update! I got put back on Invega 6mg and slowly working up to injections! Thanks for your positive vibes guys I really appreciate it! Much love y’all
Have you tried any other meds? Did you stop because you couldn’t afford it?
I stopped because I was afraid of the side effects but let me tell you imo Zyprexa has worser side effects on me.
If i do go on meds I’m probably go on risperidone, I have a lot of hope about it
Good vibes headed your way!
I truly hope it works for you my dude!