@SzAdmin Please close my account. I’m not willing to put up with false accusations.
Here you go. 15
No idea of what happened but I hope you reconsider your decision.
Just think about it for a few hours before leaving. Even if you do disagree with someone, it does not mean you are not valued here.
Please reconsider @firemonkey.
You are a valuable member here.
What’s going on? Is someone DMing you mean stuff?
People have arguments on here all the time @firemonkey . People get all flared up over all sorts of things. It’s not worth quitting the forum for though.
you are bloody well needed. sir…please stay
What were you falsely accused of?
And if so, why not fight back instead of leaving?
I appreciate the news pieces you often put up. You would be missed.
Aww, you don’t want to leave, you’re practically an institution here. But don’t take it for granted, I’ll probably never be this nice again, lol.
IDK, sometimes it’s better to have false accusations than true ones.