Yay piracy! It is easy and should be.
Need better platforms for payment and more reasonable goals
Is Limewire coming back?
It was nice when almost everything was on Netflix. I had Paramount+ until recently but they have been purging Star Trek content of all things, and it was the reason I had the service. I cancelled and emailed and got back a brainless reply breathlessly exhorting all of the new non-Trek content they’re adding.
Thank goodness for the well-stocked PLEX server.
Limewire already came back haha believe it or not. I was shocked too.
Wow. Didn’t know that.
Yea I’m not sure what they’re doing these days tho…idk if they’re doing torrents. I just checked the website and it seems they have music but are also into NFT’s and that sort of thing and also A.I.
Technically speaking piracy never went away people have been ripping off Netflix for the free trial so… I guess that’s kinda like piracy too. They just took over the game for a while
How does that server get stocked
It’s a mystery, fo sho.
Hey guys. I know piracy isn’t the most serious of crimes, but it is still illegal, so please refrain from any posts that could incriminate you.
I don’t pirate but I also think the music industrial complex is corrupt and abuse laws and musicians and consumers.
I have Apple Music and YouTube.
Music is different because you can find the same band on five different services or more (usually). With streaming video, each company is intent on using their tentpole offerings (STAR TREK!) to lock users into specific services. You can belong to one music service to get five different artists, but you have to join five different video services to get one specific piece of content. It’s a crap deal.
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