Unpopular opinion here, I think pineapples on pizza is great! So Yummy. Do you like or dislike?
I don’t like it but it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever tried
I always get pineapple on my pizza, I buy cans of it to add to the pizza
Its actually good, I like ham cooked with pineapples too. I used to eat these at my friend’s. His mother made ham with pinapples.
I don’t mind pineapple on pizza.
I dislike lol pizza is my favorite food but pineapple just doesnt do it for me…
We don’t have such heresy here in Italy.
Uses to be against it, now it’s one of my go to toppings besides jalapenos.
Used to love it now dont mind it id rather a more plain pizza like peperoni
I like. 1515151
I really like fresh pineapple but dislike canned pineapple. I think fresh pineapple sliced thin and put on the pizza after it comes out of the oven sounds good. Canned pineapple on pizza not so much.
Pineapple and ham…a nice combination and good in summer. Not the worst pizza for sure.
Too much juice. I like jalapeno though.
it’s yummy in my tummy
I’ve never tried it. Not really a fan of pineapple, so…
Ham and pineapple is probable a top 5 pizza topping for me.
I love a good Hawaiian pizza, but I also like a pepperoni and pineapple combo as well.
Never tried it. Doesn’t sound great. Might be alright with ham.
never had it, but it sounds interesting. sweet and salty together