Oh wow, British money looks really cool. Nice historical figures on there!
Did you guys know our government took back all the currency from every individual. And gave back new currency?
It’s pretty cool
The notes are made of some plastic paper mix these days
Not just paper any more
Most money here still has queen Elizabeth II on ours
They’re gradually taking those out of circulation and replacing with King Charles
Oh ok
As far as I know only Gandhi’s photo was ever printed here.
Oh wow. I couldn’t imagine money being plastic. Our 100’s have a small amount of plastic on them. That’s the blue thing in the middle. I’m sure our money will be the same before much longer.
I’m really digging the Winston Churchill 5 lol. I may have to visit England just to get one for myself haha
Not to mention how fancy your guys’ money looks haha
Other notes have Jane Austin and Alan Turing
That was a really neat topic. I have never seen money from any other country than the US.
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