Here’s a photo I took 30 years ago. It was done by combining 2 slides. It would be trivial to create this effect in photoshop now but took ages 30 years ago.
Oh God yes. Remember dodging and burning during printing? So much trial and error and wasted paper, which was expensive!
Very cool!
Hmm. . .
The Dark Night Twilight Enlightened Inner Lightening Seems Elusively Eerie, Jus Fascinating!.
Could be an awesome album cover
That is so sick @everhopeful! You mustve been quite the photo editor, Im picturing you in a darkroom splicing photos together
Very cool, like @Schztuna said album cover material right there!
Thanks for the compliments guys! You’ve made my day
I agree. It’s weird that I’ve not thought of music in terms of album covers for years. I’ve been completely digital for that long.
I usually use Spotify or other streaming services which show the cover. Its not the same but its still cool
Last hard copy album I bought was The Blueprint by Jay Z since he didnt have any of his stuff on SPotify but only shitty Tidal lol
I don’t use Photoshop, too expensive. I use The GIMP.
Agree that it’s too expensive, but there’s no other tool that comes close (and, yes, I know GIMP very well). My most used tools right now are Lightroom, Photoshop, Luminar, Topaz AI suite, and ON1 Effects.
I remember Photoshop being around in the 1990’s and possibly the late 1980’s.
I just googled it and you’re right.
Photoshop 1.0 was released on February 19, 1990, for Macintosh exclusively.
The only problem was there were no digital cameras !
Well, nothing useful. I remember a Casio we had at a place I worked circa 1996 that took pictures in 640x480 and could only store 12 of them. Not especially helpful. You’d scan negs/prints and manipulate them back in the day.
I remember processing film in photography class haha and that was in 2008. I wonder if they still teach this
It’s shoppe’d
It is the Middle Ages…
Thus!! 637636363636
Honestly, if you can work out what that picture really means … No joke.