Philip k dicks scanner darkly

I saw the first BLADE RUNNER at an art house movie theater. It really is best on a big screen, but I don’t know if they’ll ever reissue it. My town theater has old movies sometimes, is that strange or are they doing it everywhere? A lot of the movies reissued aren’t very good and BLADE RUNNER is tops! PKD died in his early 50’s. He was a bad drug addict and had symptoms of mental illness caused by amphetamine use and one day his heart gave out. He suffered about as much as someone can from drug abuse, but maybe I just imagine that. He was supposed to be very funny, all this info is all on YouTube documentaries. Check it out! If you have a kindle and an Amazon account you can get some if his short stories free even without Amazon prime! They are super easy to read!

What is Philip Dick? I’ve read some of his short stories.

I found him a bit much for me, but I struggle with mind bending/conspiracy type fiction.

I think Total Recall is also based on Philip K Dick fiction. Great movie! The original Arnie one.


Oh yeah, I saw that movie, when it got out… it’s really about our problem. I think that it’s based on the book “Substance D”, d stands for death… but yeap, it’s a little depressing…
Otherwise, watch first the old blade runner lol, it’s a classic :slightly_smiling_face: the way, that a scanner darkly was filmed, was a new for these years. But it’s good yeap :slightly_smiling_face:

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