Personality test - what's yours?

I’m infp too can’t believe how many of us there are


Same here, I took the test twice in the past. One INFP and one INTP.


I’m an INFP as well.

INFPs develop their feeling (making decisions based on feeling) at a very young age, then develop their intuition (taking in meanings behind everything) in adolescence, and then in adulthood develop their weaker functions - sensing (taking in information from their immediate environment instead of meanings) and thinking.

But feeling and intuition will always be their dominant functions. It makes sense that many szs are INFPs because what better way is there to develop our weak functions (sensing and thinking) in adulthood than having a mental illness… It forces us to trust our senses (sensing) instead of meanings as a way of coping with the illness and forces us to think and analyze our problems (thinking).


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