People on depots - does your injection "run out" a few days before the next one is due

I take depixol depot every fortnight. However as the end of the fortnight approaches I start to get strange ideas and thoughts. Usually lasts about 3 days and is very hard. I almost confronted a woman who was parked outside my flat earlier on the basis that I thought she was recording me and sending the tape to the cid.

I don’t want to get locked up but the urge this morning was really strong. I wouldn’t hit her or anything but I could certainly have breached the peace of the neighbourhood.

I spoke to my nurse and he says these are breakthrough symptoms and they are normal with depots. I asked if I could get my depot weekly but he said that wouldn’t help. Maybe the pdoc could up the dose. Would that help?

Have currently gone back to bed with the curtains drawn.

I was afraid of that happening which is why I prefer the pills. Maybe ask for a prn to take as needed towards the end of the month.

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Yeah. Have got some seroquel just for this. Doesn’t have the same oomph as the old typicals though.

I think you should up your dose or add pills to your depot. I had the same problem now i take pills with my depot.

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I take seroquel XR 600mg a day as well. This does help but even with that I always get a few horrible days just before the next injection. I don’t really want to go on weeklies as this would be difficult to manage if I ever went on holiday.

Am on 60mg depixol. The usual dose seems to be around 100mg - but this usually when no other antipsychotic is being used as well. My new doctor isn’t that fond of typicals but for me they are a lifesaver (except haloperidol: hate that stuff).

My son used to take prolixin injections. Don`t think he had any breakthrough symptoms, but when they gave it to him twice a month instead of once-he had a lot of side effects.
Tremors, his mouth moving, and also seizures.

I don’t really remember any relapsing when I was on mandatory injection. I’m sure there was times where the meds would wear off before the next one. I had so much going on… It seemed like a haze.

But with my youngest brother who was recently diagnosed as bipolar and on injection… I did notice that he would get some break through symptoms about 4 or 5 days before his next injection.

My son was getting break through symptoms with his Invega injection. Yes it can be common and during that time oral medication can be supplemented or you can talk to your treatment team about adjusting how often depending on the medication.